Why Hire a Professional Arborist?

By Hillary HeathTips, Urban TreesComments are off

 What is a certified arborist?

An arborist is a person who has been trained in the science and art of tree pruning, removal, and planting, and is qualified to care for and maintain trees. To gain International Society of Arboriculture Certification an arborist must have extensive knowledge of tree care and pass a comprehensive examination prepared by the nation’s leading experts in arboriculture. An ISA Certified Arborist must also maintain certification by continuing their education. A person who is ISA certified is knowledgeable about the newest practices and techniques in tree care and tree removal. ISA Certification is a voluntary assessment and demonstrates a willingness on the part of the arborist to stay educated and informed.

 How do you find a professional?

  1. Check for membership in professional arborist associations: International Society of Arboriculture (ISA), Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA), or Georgia Arborist Association (GAA)
  2. Make sure they are carrying insurance. Tree Services should carry liability and workers compensation insurance.
  3. Look for references or testimonials; try to view some of the work they have done in the past.
  4. Ask for a written contract of the work to be completed, including who is responsible for clean up. The contract should include how much you are expected to pay and the terms of payment.
  5. Never pay for services up front. A reputable company will ensure your needs have been met first.
  6. Get multiple estimates. Good work isn’t inexpensive, a Certified Arborist must carry insurance and memberships, have up to date equipment, and only hire professionally trained, highly-skilled employees.

Why is it important?

Hiring someone to care for your trees is not an easy task. Proper tree care can lead to substantial returns. Trees are aesthetically pleasing, raising your property value. Shaded homes typically have lower energy bills in the summer and trees form a windbreak in the winter keeping your home warmer. Healthy trees also filter the air we breathe and make great swing sets and jungle gyms.  Poorly maintained trees can be a liability and put you and your family at risk of a fallen limb or downed tree. Pruning and removing trees is dangerous work and should only be performed by those trained and equipped to work safely in a tree.


Call Heath Tree Service today for a consultation with an ISA Certified Arborist and let us take care of your trees!