Keeping your trees and shrubs safe from harmful insects and diseases for over 50 years.
Unfortunately for trees and shrubs, there are many insect species and harmful organisms that cause diseases found in the Atlanta area. There are many insects and diseases capable of damaging or killing your trees, and it is important to always be on the lookout for signs of infestation or illness.
Hiring a company with Certified Arborists on staff like Heath Tree Service is an important part of any preventive care plan. We can help you out by providing you with thorough professional inspection of any trees and shrubs you may suspect are damaged and develop a comprehensive treatment program. Like other kinds of illnesses, routine prevention, and early detection are often the best courses of action and can help to save money in the long run.
If you think your trees are suffering from insect infestation or disease, call the professional arborists at Heath Tree Service today!