Our Blog

01 Jul

Why Fertilize?

By Hillary HeathPrevention, Root Care, Tips, Urban TreesComments are off

All trees require food and nutrients. In a natural forest environment when leaves fall and decompose they provide natural food and nutrients to the tree. Urban trees have their leaves raked putting them at risk of being under-fertilized. Raking away leaves, spreading pine straw and mulch, growing grass, landscape plants, and ground covers all rob

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17 Jun

Pruning and Thinning Trees

By Hillary HeathPrevention, Pruning, Storms, TipsComments are off

There are three reasons to prune: 1. safety, 2. to promote growth, 3. aesthetics. If your trees are overgrown, have some dead or dying branches, are shading plants below it, or they just don’t look the way you want, it may be time to prune. Proper pruning practices indicate that you should remove no more

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30 May

Why Invest in Trees?

By Max ForstaterTipsComments are off

Property values can increase from 5-20% when a home is landscaped. Trees are an investment for your home, they not only provide a pleasing view but there are many social, economic, and environmental benefits as well.

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14 Apr

Spring Tree Care Tips

By Max ForstaterPrevention, Seasonal, TipsComments are off

How are your trees looking this Spring? Do they need a little TLC? There are some simple measures you can take to make sure your trees stay healthy and beautiful this season. Rake your leaves away from the trunk and root flair of the tree Inspect these areas for signs of damage, disease, and decay.

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