Spring Tree Care Tips

By Max ForstaterPrevention, Seasonal, TipsComments are off

How are your trees looking this Spring?

Do they need a little TLC? There are some simple measures you can take to make sure your trees stay healthy and beautiful this season.

  • Rake your leaves away from the trunk and root flair of the tree
  • Inspect these areas for signs of damage, disease, and decay.
  • If you see anything suspicious contact a professional Certified Arborist to do a further inspection and help to diagnose and treat your tree.
  • If you have a tree that didn’t make it through this years icy Atlanta winter, don’t wait to have it removed.

Dead trees run the risk of falling when soil is over-saturated from rainfall and they can become too dangerous to climb and increase the cost of removal. Even if your trees look like they are in tip-top shape, they may need a fertilization treatment.

When was the last time you had a deep root fertilization done?

Trees and shrubs need nutrients to live long and healthy lives, this is a great time of year to fertilize and ensure your trees stay healthy all year!

And if there is anything you are concerned about, or if you just want an inspection, make sure you hire a professional. Make sure your tree care provider is a Certified Arborist and is carrying insurance to ensure the safety of your home and their staff.

Give us a call today for a free inspection and consultation!